A New Understanding of Acnes—A New Perspective of Acne Elimination
臺灣報紙刊載林幸玫醫師《認識青春痘 “戰痘”從了解發(fā)生誘因著(zhù)手》的文章,她從內分泌旺盛、油膩飲食、皮膚著(zhù)塵、物理性傷害、環(huán)境濕熱、化妝品刺激、藥物影響七個(gè)方面的發(fā)病誘因著(zhù)手治療和預防讓人們去戰而勝之。其實(shí)在中外醫學(xué)教科書(shū)和雜志報道中除上述發(fā)病誘因外,還有遺傳基因、細菌感染、人體微量元素鋅的缺乏、精神因素、睡眠不足以及中醫的肺胃薀熱,濕熱之邪上薰顏面,血熱郁滯所致等誘因。因這些都是法定的醫學(xué)教科書(shū),教授們就得照本宣科,學(xué)生們就得從師學(xué)醫,這就強固著(zhù)醫學(xué)界的學(xué)術(shù)思想。由于誘因繁多又無(wú)定論,故醫師們只有按照自已的理解和書(shū)本上的辦法來(lái)選擇藥物對患者治療和指導預防的工作。其效果往往不佳,致使青春痘反復發(fā)作,久而久之使青春痘變成中年疤、紅鼻子。破壞了人面容皮膚自然之健美,給人帶來(lái)極大的苦惱。
A Taiwanese newspaper published an article by Physician Lin Xingmei entitled The Understanding of Acnes—To Begin the Acne Elimination by Finding Reasons, which help people cure and prevent acnes from the seven factors leading to the emergence of acnes, namely, excessive internal secretion, oily diet, skin dust, physical damage, hot and moist environment, irritation of cosmetics and medicinal effects. Actually except the above inducements, there are also genetic genes, bacterial infection, insufficient trace elements, bad mental condition, lack of sleep, lung and stomach heat and moisture and stagnation of blood heat, etc included in the Chinese and foreign medicine textbooks, magazines and reports. Since these are legitimate medicine textbooks, professors have to repeat what the book says and students have to study medicine from professors, which reflects the stubborn academic thoughts in the medical circle. There are many inducements but there aren’t final conclusions, so physicians have to choose drugs for the treatment and prevention according to their own understanding and methods in the books. However, the treatment or prevention cannot achieve good effects. Acnes will occur repeatedly and finally turn into middle-age scars or coppernose, which damages the facial skin and brings much great distress to people.
What are the inducements of acnes? Can they be effectively cured, prevented or eliminated? We shall put forward new interpretations and new theories, and find out new drugs and prevention methods.
作者從1956年開(kāi)始對酒渣鼻、痤瘡(青春痘)治療藥物及病因的研究。經(jīng)過(guò)40多年臨床檢螨診斷和治療統計,100%的酒渣鼻患者檢螨感染度很高,80%以上的青春痘患者檢螨陽(yáng)性。其癥狀較重者測定螨感染度都很高。經(jīng)用作者研制成功的藥膏(1990—1993年經(jīng)過(guò)新藥申報,藥毒理、藥效學(xué)試驗、皮膚殺螨試驗、二期臨床試驗、新藥評審,批復為國藥準字H53021786號,定名為《中州藥膏》由云南中州制藥有限公司獨家生產(chǎn)和銷(xiāo)售。PRC專(zhuān)利局以治療酒渣鼻藥膏制備方法頒發(fā)發(fā)明專(zhuān)利證書(shū)、保密處理通知書(shū),成為PRC保密發(fā)明專(zhuān)利藥品。在用中州藥膏臨床試驗中,作者定期檢螨并觀(guān)察其癥狀變化,其結果:隨著(zhù)用藥后患者癥狀的減輕和治愈,檢螨計數也隨之減少和轉陰。從這個(gè)醫學(xué)治療實(shí)踐證實(shí),酒渣鼻、青春痘均系人類(lèi)蠕形螨在人體皮膚內生長(cháng)寄生所致病。消除了皮膚內寄生的蠕形螨青春痘、酒渣鼻就能治愈。沒(méi)有寄生蠕形螨的人是不會(huì )發(fā)生青春痘的。根據這個(gè)醫學(xué)治療實(shí)踐,過(guò)去老的醫學(xué)教書(shū)所寫(xiě)的各種誘因就應該改變和摒棄。故痤瘡、酒渣鼻的診斷名稱(chēng)也應改變?yōu)槿祟?lèi)蠕形螨性皮炎是合乎科學(xué)實(shí)際的。
The author began to study on the treatment drugs and inducements of the rosacea and acnes. According to the statistics of clinical mite examinations, diagnoses and treatments, 100% of the rosacea sufferers have high mite infestation and over 80% acne sufferers are positive in the mite examination. The sufferers with severe symptoms are tested to have high mite infestation. The ointment developed by the author (1990-1993) was approved to be solely produced and sold by Yunnan Zhongzhou pharmaceutical Co., Ltd with the name Zhongzhou Ointment (GYZZ No. H53021786) after the new drug application, toxicological tests, pharmacodynamic tests, mite elimination tests, the second phase clinical tests and new drug evaluation. China Patent Bureau issued Inventive Patent Certificate and Confidential Treatment Notice to the preparation method of the ointment for the treatment of rosacea, and the ointment became the Chinese patent medicine. During the clinical tests of Zhongzhou Ointment, the author regularly examined the mites and observed the symptom changes. It is concluded that, with the alleviation and cure of the symptoms of the sufferers after using the medicine, the mites become less and turn negative. It is proved by the medical treatment practice that, the rosacea and acnes are caused by the parasitism and growth of the Demodex in the human skins. The rosacea and acnes can be removed in case the parasitic Demodex in the skin is eliminated. People without parasitic Demodex will not suffer from acnes. According to this medical treatment practice, the inducements described in the old-fashioned medical textbooks shall be changed and discarded. Therefore it is in conformity with the scientific practice to change the diagnosis names of acnes and rosacea into the human Demodex dermatitis.
What is Demodex?
According to the epidemiological survey, there are hundreds of species of mites in the nature. The mites in the carpets or grass can be seen with eyes or magnifier, and they are mainly like small spiders or ticks. They are called dust mites or tick mites rather than Demodex. The mites growing in the skins of various animals such as cattle, horses, sheep and pigs are not related to the Demodex. The Demodex mainly live in human skins, and can only be seen under the medical microscope. It looks like silkworms in shape, it has a head and tail with four short feet on both sides of the frontal breast and rings on the abdomen. It is divided into long mites (generally referred to as Demodex folliculorum) and short mites (generally known as Demodex brevis).
Demodex is a genus of tiny parasitic mites that live in or near hair follicles of mammals. About 65 species of Demodex mites are known; they are among the smallest of arthropods. Two species living on humans have been identified: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis, both frequently referred to as eyelash mites. Demodex canis lives on the domestic dog. Infestation with Demodex mites is common and usually does not cause any symptoms, although occasionally some skin diseases can be caused by the mites. The female and male mites mate with each other and lay eggs, and develop from egg metamorphosis, larva, first-phase nymph, second-phase nymph to adult. The adults will mate and lay eggs again, and reproduce one generation in about 15 days. Attached: Demodex Life Cycle.
人類(lèi)蠕形螨是怎樣進(jìn)入人體皮膚的?它為什么會(huì )發(fā)???
How does Demodex enter human skin? Why can it cause diseases?
人類(lèi)蠕形螨它主要是通過(guò)有帶螨人與沒(méi)有螨的人皮膚互相接觸如貼面、親吻、手摸、共用毛巾、共用一個(gè)衣被被感染傳播而來(lái),非帶螨人被感染后,螨就進(jìn)入健康人的皮膚,它寄生在皮脂腺比較豐富,又便于接觸,溫度又適宜它生長(cháng)繁殖的面部毛囊皮脂腺內,它吸食皮脂,排泄糞便、蠕動(dòng)爬行、交配產(chǎn)卵,繁殖,死亡,其尸體就在皮脂內腐爛液化。由于螨全部生活史都是在皮脂腺內完成,它排出的糞便、尸體液體,它對皮膚組織構成機械性和化學(xué)性刺激,數量多了使局部組織產(chǎn)生變態(tài)反應,即這些贓東西必須排出體外,也就是說(shuō)肉內摻不得假,這個(gè)過(guò)程皮膚就會(huì )出現癢痛、紅斑、丘疹、膿皰等炎癥病變,這就是人稱(chēng)青春痘,這時(shí)如果得不到正確的檢螨診斷和有效的殺螨藥物的治療,螨繼續繁殖,炎癥反復發(fā)作,損害的皮面可造成凸凹不平的疤痕、毛囊口擴大、毛細血管擴張、皮膚增殖性肥厚、甚至出現贅瘤疙瘩,破壞了人面容皮膚正常之健美。附:人蠕形螨怎樣進(jìn)入人體皮膚示圖,人面部病例圖片。
Demodex is mainly spread through the mutual contact between people with mites and people without mites, such as facial contact, kisses, hand touch, sharing towels or bedding. When the people without mites are infected, the mites will enter the healthy skins and live in the facial hair follicle sebaceous gland which has rich sebaceous gland and suitable temperature for its growth. It sucks sebum, excrete feces, wriggles, crawls, reproduces and dies, and its corpse will decay and liquefy in the sebum. Since the whole life cycle of the mite is conducted in the sebaceous gland, its feces and liquefied corpse will cause mechanical and chemical irritation to the skin texture, and the large quantity of the substance will cause allergic reaction to the partial texture. When all the dirty substances shall be discharged out of the body, the skins will suffer from inflammations and lesions such as itches, aches, red spots, papules and pimples, etc, which is known as acnes. Under this circumstance, mites will continue to reproduce, inflammations will repeatedly occur, the damaged skin will have uneven scars, dilated follicles, expanded blood capillary, proliferative plump or even superfluous pimples without correct mite diagnosis and effective treatment by mite-elimination medicine, which damages the natural beauty of the skin. Attached: Schematic Diagram of How Demodex Enter Human Skin, and Picture of Human Facial Cases
According to the epidemiological survey, the newly born babies don’t have mites, so it can be concluded that the mites are not caused by genetic genes, but infected by the contact with people with mites. With the growth of the babies, they have increasing possibility of infection. The infection rate of Demodex is about 60% throughout the country. It shall be noted that the infection rate is not equal to the prevalence rate. People with mites will not necessarily suffer from diseases. The diseases depend on the mite quantity in the skin and the human immunity performance. The people with low immunity performance will suffer from diseases. It is reported that 2.44% rosacea is caused by high mite infection, and 10.04% acne is caused by high mite infection. The high prevalence rate and the great damage to the skin beauty are the most concern of the people.
How to cure and prevent the acnes and rosacea?
1. Firstly, discard the several disease inducements in the old textbooks and publicize the theory of Demodex and use it for treatment and prevention according to the modern advanced medical scientific research achievements and medical practice.
2. If possible, train a group of special physicians to organize the general investigation and treatment, in order to cure and prevent the disease earlier, teach people with mites how to eliminate and prevent mites from being spread to others.
三、提倡以預防為主的衛生工作方針,大力進(jìn)行醫學(xué)科普宣傳,宣傳人蠕形螨對人面容皮膚的損害,防止人蠕形螨在人群中的傳播和相互感染。尤其是健康帶螨人對嬰幼兒傳染威脅性最大,如果人群中60%的帶螨人都能用《中州藥膏》外用殺螨滅螨,改善衛生條件,就會(huì )使下一代人不受螨的感染,青春痘、酒渣鼻自染就會(huì )戰而勝之。
3. Promote the principle of prevention first, publicize medical science and the damage caused by the Demodex to the human skin, and prevent the transmission and mutual infection of Demodex. Especially the healthy people with mites will have the largest threat to the babies. If 60% of the people with mites can kill the mites with the Zhongzhou Ointment for external use, improve the sanitary conditions, the next generation will not be infected with mites, and acnes and rosacea will be conquered consequently.
附: 1、人類(lèi)蠕形螨形態(tài)及生活史圖
Attached: 1. Demodex Life Cycle
2. Schematic Diagram of How Demodex Enter Human Skin, and Schematic Diagram of Diseases Occurrence
3. The Typical Cases of Diseases Caused by Demodex
The Demodex treatment and prevention expert of voluntary treatment group of Chinese medical experts and associate chief physician
Zhao Zhongzhou, the subject professor of Hong Kong International College of Chinese Medicine, on Nov.8, 2010 in Kunming